Fall 1980
Out of the Ordinary: Jo Hanson, Fran Martin, Jim Growden
Jo Hanson collects, catalogs, and displays trash she gathers during her anthropological sweeps (ten years of sweeping street trash outside her San Francisco home), delving into social context and esthetic transformation. Jim Growden assembles waterfront objects that still smell of the elements, welding and shaping sculptures. Fran Martin captures signs and walls of San Francisco, with emotion and humor, saving images that often disappear.
Kathleen Fraser, Poetry Reading 12/8/80
Victor Hernandez Cruz and Reginald Lockett, Poetry Reading 2/10/81
David Henderson and Bob Callahan, Poetry Reading 2/24/81
David Meltzer, Poetry Reading 3/10/81
Stan Rice, Poetry Reading 6/1/81
George Barlow, Poetry Reading 6/4/81
Men and Children
Artists include David Bradford, John Takami Morlta, Tetsuya Noda, James Rosen, Lew Thomas, Marvin Wax, Ray Holbert.
Among the Tiv in northern Nigeria, after a baby is 6 months old, it is handed over to an older brother, sister, or cousin, who thereafter carries the baby about on the hip… "I have seen an old man introduce another, with deep affection, as 'The brother who carried me on his hip.' For this bond, set up in childhood, is sacred even beyond other ties of blood." Return to Laughter, Eleanor Smith Bowen
An exhibition of art created by male artists and in some way related to children. The number of works in this genre over the centuries is insufficient to call this even a minor theme in Western art. Lew Thomas (San Francisco) worked collaboratively with his daughter; Tetsuya Noda (Japan) made prints based on the everyday activities of his family; David Bradford (Berkeley) formed images of strength for black children; James Rosen (Santa Rosa), known in galleries for large minimal paintings, drew a personal art filled with views of his own children in a manner reminiscent of old masters.
View ancillary materials for the Fall 1980 exhibitions.
Winter 1981
To Deny the Right of Any Person is to Deny Our Own Humanity
Artists include Inez Siek, Cindy Turner, Joe Benish, Bob Whitelaw, and Pam Ivey, five students enrolled in De Anza College's Physically Limited Program. Worked with Helen Jones, Program Director.
A celebration of the 1981 International Year of Disabled Persons through a multi-media exhibition. Presented artwork from disabled students (both trained and untrained in art schools) as well as art, photographs, slides, films, and artifacts created for and designed by the physically limited.

Photo of artist Cindy Turner in 1981, part of exhibition To Deny the Right of Any Person is to Deny Our Own Humanity.

Reception musician for 1981 exhibition To Deny the Right of Any Person is to Deny Our Own Humanity. Photo: E.C. Weisner, courtesy of Jan Rindfleisch.
View ancillary materials for the Winter 1981 exhibition.
Spring 1981
Commercial Illustrators
Artists include Dick Cole, Tom Durfee, Terry Eden, Celeste Ericsson, Nancy Freeman, David Grove, Alice Harth, Andrea Hendrick, Lowell Herrero, Tom Kamifuji, John Mattos, Norman Orr, Steve Osborn, Gary Pierazzi, Sophie Porter, Sam Smidt, Mike Shenon, Dugald Stermer, Ray Ward, Bruce Wolfe, Dennis Ziemienski.
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Helen Euphrat Gallery, with a large color poster by Steve Osborn.

Commercial Illustrators’ Show installation, 1981, Tom Kamifuji posters in center. Photo: E.C. Weisner, courtesy of Jan Rindfleisch.