News article announces KFJC to go on air October 15 according to Foothill's Director of Public Information Ervin L. Harlacher. Harlacher also notes that the antenna had just been hoisted atop the main college building.
News article announces that KFJC will be broadcasting soon. Article notes that the station will broadcast from the basement of Foothill College in Mountain View. Trustees had considered waiting to begin broadcasting until the station could be installed at the new Foothill campus in Los Altos Hills but station manager Bob Ballou convinced them to reconsider. Photograph of student Charles Henderson at the broadcast desk.
News article announces that KFJC will be broadcasting soon. Article notes that the station will broadcast from the basement of Foothill College in Mountain View. Trustees had considered waiting to begin broadcasting until the station could be installed at the new Foothill campus in Los Altos Hills but station manager Bob Ballou convinced them to reconsider. Photograph of student Charles Henderson at the broadcast desk.
News article announces KFJC to go on air October 15 according to Foothill's Director of Public Information Ervin L. Harlacher. Harlacher also notes that the antenna had just been hoisted atop the main college building.
News article announces KFJC to begin broadcasting in September. Foothill also offering a radio broadcasting class - Broadcasting 92A, Radio Production Laboratory. Fred Critchfield is the faculty advisor to the station.
News article announces KFJC going on air in the fall. Article notes programming will include "study music, local and national news, sports, jazz and classical music." Foothill will offer a two-unit radio production laboratory course. Photograph of Bob Ballou working with radio equipment.
News article notes that Foothill students Bob Ballou, Dick Thiesse and Robert Johnson will be testing the new radio station equipment in May in preparation for going on air in the fall.
Unidentified student at the broadcast desk of KFJC with record playing in foreground, in the basement of Foothill College in Mountain View. Photographer unidentified.
Bob Ballou at the microphone in the recording room with an unidentified student at the control booth in the basement of Foothill College in Mountain View. Photographer unidentified.
Construction of KFJC radio studio in basement of Foothill College, 1959. Photo of unfinished studio with clock on wall and overhead pipes. Photographer unidentified.
Construction of KFJC radio studio in basement of Foothill College, 1959. Photo of ladder, table and flashlight with overhead pipes and fluorescent lights. Photographer unidentified.
KFJC station manager Fred Kulick standing next to seated student at broadcast desk in the basement of Foothill College in Mountain View. Photographer unidentified.
Bob Ballou, station manager, sits at the radio controls and speaks the first official words on KFJC in this photo from the October 23, 1959 edition of the Foothill Sentinel. Photograph by Charlie Henderson.
Bob Ballou, station manager, examines radio equipment in the basement of Foothill College in Mountain View in this photo from 1959. Records and daily binders visible on lower shelves. Photographer unidentified.
Bob Ballou, station manager, sits at the radio control panel in the basement of Foothill College in Mountain View. Photo from September 11, 1959 edition of Foothill Sentinel. Photographer unidentified.
Photograph of installed KFJC radio antenna on the roof of Foothill College building in Mountain View in 1959. Upper floor of the building is visible. Photographer unknown.
Four men raising the KFJC radio antenna on the roof of the Foothill College building in Mountain View. Pictured from left to right are Bob Ballou, Jim Fernbaugh, Nathan Ballard and Roger Murray. Photographer Gary Pagano for the Foothill Sentinel, October 9, 1959.
Two engineers finish rewiring the KFJC radio antenna on Black Mountain in this photograph from the October 12, 1962 issue of the Foothill Sentinel. Photograph by Jeanette Huston.
Bob Ballou, the first station manager of KFJC, opens boxes of new equipment, including the turntable and wall clock with George Castleberry. Photo from April 3, 1959 edition of Foothill Sentinel. Photographer not identified.
The interior of Le Petit Trianon includes this sitting room with windowed doors that open onto patios on two sides. Photo taken in 1959. Photographer unknown. The room serves as an exhibit hall for the California History Center.
The stately library of Le Petit Trianon includes curved bookcases, a custom oak floor and beautiful hand crafted doors and windows. Photograph from House and Garden magazine, 1902.
Le Petit Trianon, also referred to as "The Pavilion", sits just to the north of the Sunken Garden in 1959. The former home would be moved twice before rehabilitation was to begin. In this photo, the building is in its original location, with Stevens Creek Road (later Blvd.) just behind the building.
Students and community members explore the new campus prior to opening. Most buildings have been completed and the campus awaits landscaping to compliment the appearance.
The large fountain, located in the center of campus near the Administration building, has quite a bit of work remaining before campus opens in Fall of 1967. Once the center tower has been completed, the water basin will be lined with small ceramic tiles, all installed by hand. The shape of the fountain and the ceramic tile clearly reflect the Spanish influenced design of the campus.
A. Robert DeHart, President Elect, De Anza College (center, hand extended) gives a campus tour to show construction progress of the anxiously awaited new college. The group stands on the steps of the Olympic size swimming pool. Other members of the tour are not identified. Photographer unknown.
This photo, taken from the Language Arts Quad, shows the smaller fountain the foreground center. A larger version of this fountain is also being built in front of the Library, which is the large building in the background. The small, red roofed building that is partially blocking the view of the Library is the construction office, which will be moved before the campus opens.
The ground has been excavated and construction has begun on the lower level of the Campus Center. As expected by the architects, bad weather would slow down the progress, but the campus opened as planned in September of 1967. On the left of this photo can be seen the Baldwin Winery building and the Arts Quad, which would offer ceramics, painting and photography.
A view of the cleared ground just prior to the beginning of major construction. In the distant right of the photo, the Baldwin Winery building can be seen and, near the distant center is Le Petit Trianon, being prepared for a move to new location. This photo was taken from the approximate location where the S1 building will be built. Photographer unknown.
The land has been cleared and construction has just begun. The trench in the center of the image will be filled with large concrete pipe, forming a sewer exit for the college. In the background, just left of center, the Baldwin Winery building can be seen. This building still stands on the campus today. To the left of the Winery building is a small building used as a construction office - this building was was retained and was used to house a student banking office, an ATM and other uses over the years.