Several news articles from 1961: KFJC switches to 89.5 (5-25), KFJC starts broadcasting from Los Altos Hills campus (11-28), speech by Norman Thomas will be aired on KFJC (12-7), speech by Thomas will be repeated (12-8), KFJC programming includes popular and classical music, book talks, campus events and variety shows.
News article announcing that KFJC station manager Tom Howe will attend the Foreign Policy Conference for Editors and Broadcasters in Washington, D.C. today and tomorrow.
News article announcing that KFJC station manager Ken Clark is leaving the U.S. to take a State Department sponsored post in Ethiopia helping to develop that nation's radio system.
News article announcing that KFJC station manager Ken Clark is leaving the U.S. to take a State Department sponsored post in Ethiopia helping to develop that nation's radio system. Clark is credited with helping to win national and international acclaim for KFJC. Photograph of Clark with family.
News article announcing the departure of Brian Conway for Great Britain. Conway, a British citizen with a permanent visa, is leaving Foothill and the U.S. for a few years to avoid being drafted into the army.
News article announcing that KFJC has won the $1,000 top prize from the National Association of Educational Broadcasters for its 13-part series "Age of Thunder", created by Brian Conway. Photograph of Brian Conway.
News article announcing that KFJC will go off the air for a year because the trustees will not authorize $9,000 to relocate the transmitter. Calvin Flint says of KFJC, "It's loss would not be a major detriment."
Photograph of Foothill's spring semester communications officers: John Davis, KFJC station manager, Ken Bishop, General and Athletic News, Charles Anderson, Foothill Sentinel editor, and Cindy Kleinhans, Quasi magazine editor.
News article reporting on student Douglas M. Gardner's repair of the KFJC antenna on Black Mountain using an old crutch. The new signal is being studied by Foothill's electronic engineering division to decide whether the college should request a permit from the FCC to use a directional antenna. Photograph of Gardner on antenna with crutch.
News article announcing that KFJC will begin broadcasting from its new location on the Los Altos Hills campus about November 27. The article notes faculty member Fred Critchfield's vision of the station as part of a basic broadcasting curriculum. Student station manager Vic Biondi notes that KFJC will play only "middle-of-the-road" music such as Broadway show tunes, contemporary jazz and folk music. Photograph of students Ron Bucholtz and Nancy Wassner at the broadcast desk.
News article reporting on Roger Murray's efforts to repair a local antique barrel organ. The article notes Murray's fascinations with sounds, especially elevators, and his program on KFJC on musical oddities. Photographs of Murray working on the organ.
News article from the Town Crier reporting on Roger Murray's efforts to repair an antique barrel organ. Article notes Murray's fascination with sounds, particularly elevators, and his nightly program of audible oddities on KFJC. Photographs of the barrel organ and Murray working on its interior.
Press release announcing that KFJC will start broadcasting on October 13. Program material will consist of good music, lecture series, jazz, drama and special service programs. Bob Ballou's numerous contributions to the new station are noted as well as the progress of equipment installation including the antenna.
Press release announcing that KFJC has new furniture, some of it built by Bob Ballou and his father. The master console is to arrive sometime this week. The antenna will be raised pending approval from the Civil Aeronautics Authority.
Press release announcing that KFJC has acquired 175 records, mostly classical music with some light and airy tunes, to add to its existing collection of jazz, mood and hi-fi records.
Press release announcing equipment tests for new station KFJC in May. The release notes the advocacy of Bob Ballou to get Board support for the station and also Ballou's application to the FCC with help from R.A. Isberg.
News article announcing Roger Murray as new station manager of KFJC. Notes that station programming includes music, lectures, dramas and special service broadcasts.
News article announcing that Hewlett Packard Co. donated a $1,900 frequency and modulation monitor to KFJC thanks to engineer and student Ken Gray. The monitor will be used to monitor the center frequency of the station.
News article announcing that KFJC will go on the air October 20 after a week delay caused by late FCC approval. Station will broadcast Monday through Thursday from 8:00 - 10:00 PM. Dr. Calvin Flint will broadcast an opening address.
News article reporting that Foothill College will offer Broadcasting 92A, Radio Production Laboratory, for students in the spring semester in anticipation of the new college radio station going on the air in spring. Professor George Willey will teach the course.
News article reporting that KFJC will broadcast Handel's "Messiah" and Vivaldi's "Gloria" as well as Christmas greetings from college administrators and student body officers before going on break for the school holidays.
News article reporting students Bob Ballou and Bob Johnson asking for and the district Board of Education approving funding for a new student-run radio station at Foothill College in Mountain View.
News article announcing that KFJC will go on the air sometime in October following the erection of the radio antennae at Foothill College in Mountain View, according to Erv Harlacher, chairman of the division of mass communication at Foothill College.
News article announcing a change in KFJC's broadcasting schedule from 8:00 - 10:00 to 5:00 - 7:00 PM due to interference from equipment used in an evening electronics class.
News article announcing that KFJC will go on the air October 20 after a week delay caused by late FCC approval. Station will broadcast Monday through Thursday from 8:00 - 10:00 PM. Dr. Calvin Flint will broadcast an opening address.
Photograph of KFJC announcers Fred Kulick and Bruce Wentler as they welcomed one of more than one hundred guests to the radio station's first open house.
News article announcing KFJC to go on the air October 13, operating on 30 watts at 88.5 FM. Bob Ballou station manager with Roy Ruth and Roger Murray, Fred Critchfield as station advisor.
News article announcing KFJC to go on the air October 13. Article names Bob Ballou as station manager, Roy Ruth as program manager and Roger Murray as traffic manager.
News article announcing that KFJC will start broadcasting October 13. Article notes that Bob Ballou applied for a FCC license with the help of R.A. Isberg and began constructing the station in the basement of Foothill College in Mountain View in April. The antenna was lifted onto the roof of the college by Ballou and Russel Rhoades on September 26. Photograph of raised antenna including Bob Ballou, Bryon Ballou (father), Bud Seeley (maintenance staff), Roger Murray, Nathan Ballard and Jim Fernbaugh (students).
News article announces KFJC to go on air October 15 according to Foothill's Director of Public Information Ervin L. Harlacher. Harlacher also notes that the antenna had just been hoisted atop the main college building.